Sunday, September 02, 2007

invitation to your life

She dice:
wow, sounds amazing, i will look for that movie
pipe dice:
you will love it
She dice:
if you say that
She dice:
i think you know what i love
pipe dice:
we know each other from another life
She dice:
for sure
pipe dice:
maybe we lived together in the sixties, in france
She dice:
or maybe we built the Taj Mahal!
She dice:
hippy couple?
pipe dice:
pipe dice:
travelling all the time and drinking wine
pipe dice:
She dice:
really nice life

pipe dice:
i'm looking all your movements
She dice:
She dice:
i would like to hug you
pipe dice:
pipe dice:
come to peru!
pipe dice:
stay with me forever!!!
She dice:
thanks the invitation
She dice:
invitation to your life
She dice:
sounds great!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if she is who i think she is!

Anonymous said...

talvez alguien más se muere por tan solo por verte